
All Kipper Card Decks
Here you find all our Kipper Card Decks. Starting from 1932 to 2025
The Kipper Cards were invented in Germany about 1900. It was Fr. Kipper, who produced the first Kipper Card deck.
Until today this kind of fortune telling cards is very popular and it is still one of the top sellers in Fortune Telling Cards in Germany.
In the deck you find person-cards and situation cards. This combination is unique and it makes fortune telling easy, also for beginners.
As the cards are self-explanatory, it is not bad that they are in German language.
A very good deck for cartomancy and fortune telling.
The Kipper Card Decks are listet among themselves sorted by date in ascending order.
If you like to know more about a deck, please click on the correlated deck name.
A new page will open and you find more information abou the deck, the reverse site of the card, the box and instructions.
Below every deck you find the first 16 cards, that you easily can compare the development of the pictures of the Kipper Cards in the last 100 years
If you like to see one card in a very big size, to see more details, please click on the correlated card.
It will open for you in a blank window.
All Kipper Cards, Kipper Wahrsagekarten
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