
All Lenormand Fortune Telling Card Decks
Here you find all our Lenormand Card Decks, from 1845 to 2025
The most famous fortune telling cards besides Tarot are the Lenormand cards.
Marie Anne Adelaide Lenormand was a French fortune teller, she lived from 1772 to 1843. She made fortune telling at the Royal Household.
Her 'unluck' was, that she really was able to look in the future, by the help of the cards.
She not only told the positive things, she also told the negative situations which will come and she was always truth.
So at the end, she was sitting many years in a French prison, because of telling the truth.
In the French society she was very famous, because her forecasts were so precise.
One or two years after hear death, the first Lenormand decks were printed.
Nearly all of the card printers wrote in the instructions that this new printed deck is exactly the same like Mlle. Lenormand used, but many different versions of Lenormand cards were printed and some of them have different symbols and a different quantity of cards.
We start in our Museum the Lenormand collection with one deck, where we are nearly sure, that this deck was really printed on the basis of the original cards from Mlle. Lenormand. This deck is from 1845, only two years after Mrs. Lenormand died.
The Lenormand Fortune Telling Card Decks are listet among themselves sorted by date in ascending order.
If you like to know more about a special deck, please click on the correlated deck name.
A new page will open and you find more information abou the deck, the reverse site of the card, the box and instructions.
Below every deck you find the first 16 cards, that you easily can compare the development of the pictures and the changes of the card names of the Lenormand Cards in the last 170 years.
If you like to see one card in a very big size, to see more details, please click on the correlated card.
It will open for you in a blank window.
Lenormand Fortune Telling Cards |
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